Wednesday, August 10, 2011

PSA from your friendly neighbourhood house cleaner...

I'm once again behind in my picture a day project....I really should call it a bunch of pictures every 4 or 5 days.  But whatever.  I was somewhat distracted today at work, enough so that I felt I should interrupt this photo project for a short time to give a handy and helpful Public Service Announcement from your friendly and patient house cleaner (whoever he or she may be!)...  please turn off all cell phones and pagers (who uses a pager anymore?)

For the most part, I really don't mind cleaning houses - it allows for a fair bit of flexibility in my schedule, I can wear jeans or yoga pants every day, and since most people are out when I'm at their houses I can listen to my music as loud as I want :)

However....there are moments when I question whether life may be a little easier if I worked in an office :)

I title this PSA:  "Reasons to Remember the Day Your House Cleaner is Coming...."

  1. I like to be paid.  You know, services rendered and all that.  I enjoy being compensated for my drive in to your house, the cleaners I bring, the talent and amazingness that I use on your toilet and shower, and my all around hard work!  It helps me pay my bills, eat, gas my know....all those luxuries.
  2. So I do not walk in to you screaming at and cussing out your teenagers....granted they were acting like extremely lippy little brats, but still....things I do not need to be witness to!  I was downstairs while they were all upstairs, and I seriously contemplated leaving the house and just pretending I was late or something....but I didn't think it through fast enough and they caught me.  awkwarrrrrrrdddd!!
  3. So I don't walk in on you or anyone in your house in a compromising and/or uncomfortable position or circumstance.  These include but are not inclusive to, the most obvious compromising position (this has not happened - THANKFULLY), walking around in your underwear, coming out of the shower without a towel... you get the idea.
  4. So I do NOT happen upon your naughty not-for-children's-eyes types of toys on your kitchen bathroom counter (totally a typo, but it made me seriously giggle, so I left it in....I think if I had found anything like that on the kitchen counter I may have left the house immediately).  I'm not a prude...I get it...whatever....but I like to try and maintain some sort of control over what my eyes see.....and I was in no way prepared for that! Way too much information....kthanks!  They had obviously not remembered that I was coming that day (based on the amount of dirty dishes, clothes and toys around), but this little discovery absolutely confirmed it.  And that made me realize how things would go down after they got home, and how awkward that could be....and how desperately I needed to be out of the house when they got there!!  "Wow the house looks so clean, I totally forgot Kristi was coming....I didn't leave out a cheque....we'll pay her double time for all her inconvenience and hard smells so nice....wait.....did you put, I thought you did....ohhhh no."  Yeah....awkward.
As house cleaners we are used to certain things....we clean your yucky toilets, we see your dirty underwear in the hamper, we see your prescriptions, your personal items....but we don't need to know everything.  

Please, please remember the day your house cleaner is coming....we would all appreciate it ever so much :)  

Thank you for all your time and attention during this much needed announcement!

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