Sunday, June 6, 2010

Alina's Honda Demolition

Alina's Honda pretty much died the other's been going downhill for awhile....smoking really badly, the seatbelts aren't greatly reliable, the windows don't go down, and the list goes on and on :)  So she bought a new car, and donated her old car to the Fire Hall that she belongs to so that they could practice safe vehicle extractions and all things demolition! :)  Jordan, William and I went up to watch and take some photos.

So for your viewing pleasure.....the Honda demolition!

William got to ride in the fire truck from the hall up to the training center!  Very exciting! :)
The "Before" picture
Using the Jaws of Life
Alina got to take the car out for one more spin and smash it into a couple other demo cars that they had up in the training area...
This is an old 1930's fire truck that used to be their first truck...they are going to restore it back to it's original beauty!
It's a convertible now! :)
Alina using the Jaws of Life again.
Learning from her great teacher!
Jordan and William taking it all in :)
Once they were done they decided to take it for one last drive and do some tricks :)  Ram it into several cars and do some fishtails, etc.  It was hilarious ;)
They found this old garden gnome and decided to throw it in for good measure ;)
The "After" Picture!

All in all it was a very entertaining evening!  Ali was really glad for the experience and was able to do some fun damage to her precious old car :)  


  1. Okay so I see this and all I can think of is "Hey Linda, have you seen our new firehall?" LOL.
