Sunday, May 30, 2010

wall of togetherness!

I had put up 4 of my favourite photos of Luke and I when I first arrived here, meaning to print off a bunch more as soon as possible.  Life got a little crazy, and as such, I didn't get a chance to print off any more photos for almost 3 months....crazy :)  But Jordan had found this great site online called Artscow, and when I signed up I got 100 free prints, meaning I got 190 prints shipped to my door from Hong Kong for $15.  Awesome deal!  So I printed off a ton of my favourite photos of Luke and him and I together :)  Here's some shots of the wall in progress:
  These are the original 4 photos that were up on the wall...
Halfway through...
All done!! :)

And some close-ups so you can see a bit of detail....

It's our life, in pictures!  man, have we ever had some good times! :)  I love our life together....i hate that we are separated right now...I want to be home with him so badly.  I take so many photos when he's here because I need to keep up with this documentation of our lives...I miss snapping photos of Luke in our day to day life together.  I really need to get back home.  But anyway, this wall is directly opposite my bed, and I get to look at it while I fall asleep and think of all those wonderful memories and moments :)

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