Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 62-68 - Week in Review!

I might just start doing a week in review type of post instead of trying to actually accomplish a daily post...I can't seem to get it done, and I am sick of starting every post with "I suck yet again..."!

This week started off great - the family went over to Vancouver for our friends Crystal and Darrel's wedding.  My brother Jordan and I took some engagement photos of them on Saturday before an amazing lunch at The Boathouse on Kit's Beach.  It was great!  Then the next day was the BIG DAY, and wow, did we ever have a good time!  Over 3,000 photos were taken by Jordan and I, and we are trying to narrow it down!  It was a very long and busy weekend, but it was great :)  Here are a few teasers of the weekend....

The rest of the week was a blur of catching up on work, catching up on sleep and periodically editing some photos, and trying to get in some quality time with Luke.  I only took a couple photos, and who knows what day they were taken on....but it is what it is!

This is the adorable outfit that Michael and Ginni bought us for our little baby girl - so adorable, and so very sweet of them to think of us :)  I love that the pants can be capris as well as full leg - too cute!!

On the 1st of September it most definitely felt like a fall day, and guess what made it even more that way?  There was enough of a chill in the air that Dad actually started a fire in the wood stove!  I love that smell, it's one of my very favourites - first of the year fire :)

That's about it for the week of August 27th - September 2nd.... pretty exciting eh?!  I lead the life people, I am tellin ya!

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