Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Feast planinng already?! WOW!

We booked our hotel room for the Feast!! Yay! :) I just love planning for the Feast - I can't believe we're at that time already! This year is going to be so neat because Luke and I will be driving to the Feast, so it'll be a great new experience! We actually booked a bit of a bigger room this year which is going to be really great! It has a big ol' whirlpool tub in the room as well, which is going to be so nice and relaxing! :) Luke will love that - he may never get out! We wanted a bit of a bigger room preferably with a couch and stuff so that we can have people over and have little get togethers and stuff as well. I like to have people over and this way we can have some wine and some cheese and get our eat and drink on ;) Should be loads of fun! :)

Happy Feast planning all!!!

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