Friday, January 28, 2011

Owl Hats, courtesy of Snowy Owl, herself!

Alina's been helping out with Brownies for the past year or so, and this year her Brownie name is Snowy Owl :)  She's been knitting up a storm lately, and found this really great toque pattern that has cabling all around it, but in the design of an owl! (Don't worry, it makes sense once you see that photos!)  The other ladies that help her are Brown Owl, Tawny Owl and Tinker Owl, so she made them hats that match their name :)

Check out her talent!

Brown Owl!
Tawny Owl!
Tinker Owl (cause you know, Tinkerbelle wears green ;)
And her own, Snowy Owl! :)

How cute eh?!  The website she found this on is - you'll need to sign up, but it's all free, and you can check the box if you want no emails ;)  They have some wonderful patterns!

Such a great job Ali! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is really cool! I can't make anything like that, well anything at all. Keep up the good work, does she sell owl hats on ebay? :)

