Charlotte has never been a great sleeper....okay, well actually, there was that one month, January 2013...the most glorious month ever to be known in this household. She would sleep for sometimes up to 12 hours!!! Ridiculously unheard of around these parts! Just when we were getting used to it and beginning to take the sleep for granted, she decided to remind us...and here we are, end of May, and we are still remembering.
Anyway, long story short, she's never been good with sleep at night, so of course she's not going to be good with naps either. If I put her down in her crib, it's *maybe* 30 minutes, if I'm lucky. However, if I sleep with her in the recliner, she can be out for 3 hours! Mommy loves naps, as I'm sure all mommies do, however my to-do list is usually as long as my elbow, so as much as Mommy loves (needs?) naps, I needed to change this habit we'd gotten ourselves into of 2 hour naps in the afternoon! Then I had the brilliant idea of trying her out in my bed instead....and honestly, I came to that conclusion one day when she'd had MAYBE 3 hours of super interrupted sleep all night, as had Mommy and Daddy, and I could not even fathom not laying down in my own bed for a nap...Mommy was a walking zombie that day.
She loves Mommy's bed! And the glorious thing....I can get her to sleep with snuggles and cuddles and kisses and love, and then once she's out, I can slip out of bed and have an hour to myself!!!! WEEEEE!!! So it's worked for 3 days in a row this week...I need to learn to have low or no expectations, but I am just a wee bit excited by this! Here's hoping my expectations don't get dashed too quickly ;)
Now off to clean the the peace and quiet....who knew this would be a luxury?!
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