Charlotte is doing so great, is as cute as a button, and is growing like a weed on fertilizer! At her last doctor's appointment (on Feb. 8th), she weighed 12 lbs and 15 essentially 13 lbs, and that was a month ago! I would say she's at least 14.5lbs now....little chunky monkey! She's going to be celebrating her 3 month birthday on Friday - it is so hard to imagine that it's been 3 months since she came into our lives. In some ways it feels like an eternity longer, but in other ways it feels like it was only last week. She rolled over for the first time at 11 weeks (we were impressed!) - she did it three times in a row and I caught it on video the third time :)
She has been smiling so much lately - it's such a joy to see her interacting with people and giving everyone these huge full face smiles :) She makes my day every single morning when she greets me from her cradle with the biggest smile, as if she couldn't possibly be happier to see me. What a way to start my day!
We can sure see an advancement in her skills these past couple of weeks as well. When she lays on her play mat, or when she's on her change mat, she bats around at her toys that are within reach, just today she grabbed a little plastic ring and brought it up to her mouth (first time she's done that). Whenever she's in a slight reclining position she tries her hardest to pull herself into a sitting position - she gets her head and shoulders off the ground at least, and grunts and groans while she does it. She yammers on to herself and to anyone who will listen - it is the sweetest thing to hear her coos and little noises. She thinks it's absolutely hilarious when you repeat her noises back to her too! I can't wait for the day when she laughs!
Now to catch up on my 365 project with her:
Day 32 - January 30, 2012 -- Life is HARD! She has got her pout face absolutely down pat, and
I was trying to get a picture of it, but she busted out into full blown saddness face before I could get to it. I'll get the pout one of these days :)
Day 33 - January 31, 2012 -- I didn't take any photos on January 31st - it was a really stressful day, so it was pretty much the last thing on my mind. But this adorable hand photo is from February 1st, so it will do :) Look at how adorably small her teeny hand is, and check out those teeny tiny fingernails!
Day 34 - February 1, 2012 -- Watching the news with Grandpa! She's obviously disgusted at the state of the world ;)
Day 35 - February 2, 2012 -- She's been smiling a lot more lately - this is the first one I've actually captured on film though! Too adorable!! :)
Day 36 - February 3, 2012 -- Sitting in her her new (new to us, we bought off UsedVic) travel swing.... which ended up not working. Grr.
Day 37 - February 4, 2012 -- Ready for church! All dolled up in her sweater and bonnet made for her by her Aunty Sue Mclean, sooo adorable!
Day 38 - February 5, 2012 -- Looking cute as usual!
Day 39 - February 6, 2012 -- Second travel swing, and this one works! Plus she enjoys it, so double bonus! We're going to be using this at a lot of cleaning jobs, I'm sure! Photo taken by Jordan.
Day 40 - February 7, 2012 -- Checking out her toy giraffe, Sophie!
Day 41 - February 8, 2012 -- At Walmart with Mommy, getting a couple things for our long weekend in Portland.
Day 42 - February 9, 2012 -- Charlotte's first trip on the ferry! We were heading to Portland to pick up her Aunty Alina. She's too busy checking out the ceiling to participate in silly things like photos :)
Day 43 - February 10, 2012 -- I didn't take a photo this day. We were in Portland, picking up Alina and too busy shopping til we dropped :) So I'm using a photo from the day previous when we hung out with Lyn, Daniel and Lucy. Lucy loved Charlotte, a real life dolly! :)
Day 44 - February 11, 2012 -- Church in Portland - there were about a million little kids, it was awesome! :) And of course they all wanted a piece of the new baby! hehe!
Day 45 - February 12, 2012 -- Hannah was AWESOME with Charlotte - all she wanted to do was take care of her and hold her and snuggle her, and of course feed her as much as she could! She is a great big sister :)
Day 46 - February 13, 2012 -- I got Charlotte an amber necklace because she's sure exhibiting signs of teething already! If anyone's interested in learning about the benefits of amber, here's a link that explains: Doesn't she look so stylish and adorable!
Day 47 - February 14, 2012 -- Poor little baby is sick (which you'd never know by looking at this photo as she was smiling at her birdies on her bouncy seat!), but thankfully I had the day off so I was able to snuggle her all day.
Day 48 - February 15, 2012 -- Still a little sickie :( She's been really miserable today - super clingy and fussy and oh so congested and stuffed up. I hate to hear her cough and sniffle and not be able to clear it - it's the worst feeling. Poor little baby :(
Day 49 - February 16, 2012 -- Sick day with Daddy - Luke's off work for a little bit with a back injury and Charlotte's still getting over her cold. My poor babies :(
Day 49 Extra - Couldn't resist! I love the smiles at Daddy, oh so sweet :)
Day 50 - February 17, 2012 -- My poor sick baby :( Look how puffy her little eyes are. She's started this extra fussy, crying, clingy business as well, which is making things 10x harder. Poor little one :(
Day 51 - February 18, 2012 -- Check out those intense eyelashes!!
Day 52 - February 19, 2012 -- Starting to feel a little better! Wearing her sweet outfit from her Aunt Jackie and Uncle Chris :)
Day 53 - February 20, 2012 -- My sweet girl and her great big blue eyes! :)
Day 54 - February 21, 2012 -- We found these overalls among her clothes, and what do you know.... they're a wee bit on the smaller side! They're riding up a bit in the legs in this shot, but they were getting a little small :)
Day 55 - February 22, 2012 -- My sleepy girl...
Day 56 - February 23, 2012 -- Zebra pants!
Day 57 - February 24, 2012 -- Me and my best girl :) <3
Day 58 - February 25, 2012 -- Chillin out with Mama on Sabbath morning...
Day 58 Extra - Flying with Aunty Alina! :)
Day 59 - February 26, 2012 -- Such a cutie pie!
Day 60 - February 27, 2012 -- Wearing the awesome sweater that our friend Maryna knit for her! We love it! The neat thing is, I used to babysit Maryna when she was Charlotte's age :) Time flies!
Day 61 - February 28, 2012 -- Wearing the adorable outfit from her Aunt Ginni and Uncle Michael!
Day 62 - February 29, 2012 -- Still having a bit of a tough time keeping her head up for extended periods in the Bumbo chair... we'll get the hang of it soon!
Day 63 - March 1, 2012 -- We decided that since it was March 1st and therefore *should* be spring soon, we would bust out a sweet pink dress and adorable Babylegs!
Day 64 - March 2, 2012 -- Snuggles with my best girl!
Day 65 - March 3, 2012 -- Tutu adorable!! Her church outfit for the day - her onesie was bought by Aunty Alina, it says "This is my little black dress", and of course her zebra pants!
Day 65 Extra - With Aunty Alina!
Day 66 - March 4, 2012 -- Her special outfit from Aunty Susan - too cute! :)
Day 66 Extra - "Grr, no more photos!"
That's all for tonight - I will try to at least do a weekly photo and update post every weekend... it seems like the least I could do! I'm really having a hard time adjusting to never having enough time. It's been a bit of a tough transition now that everything takes 10 times longer and I can never seem to plan anything. I can't tell you how many times I've made plans to get together with a friend and then had to cancel because Charlotte wouldn't sleep the night before or wouldn't let me put her down at all so I wasn't able to get a shower. I'm learning a new level of patience, that's for sure :) I'm sure that will continue well into her teen years and beyond!! We'll just take it one step at a time :)
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