Friday, July 20, 2007

Life in Colorado....

It's been a little while since I've posted has been interesting since we got here. It's taken awhile to settle in, but we're slowly getting there. It's a bit strange living with Luke's family - not that they're hard to live with, it's just that we've lived on our own for almost a year and now to come and live with family again takes awhile to get used to! I don't even cook anymore because Luke's mom Jenene does all the cooking....that's taking a bit to get used to as well!

There's definitely been some hard days in the past couple of weeks. I've been really homesick lately, and that doesn't help anything either. We've had a bit of a run around with Luke's previous employer, which I won't go into here, but I will say they will get their just rewards someday!! And I won't be sad to see it happen....people amaze me sometimes. And we're unsure of how things are looking with work here in Colorado for Luke as well. The school district he was going to work for is going through some major changes this school year and they're not sure how many more bus drivers they're going to need. So because of that, they can't say a definitive yes or no on whether Luke will get to start in August or not.....which is extremely frustrating. could be going better....but God doesn't give us more than we can handle....I have to keep on remembering that!

It'll get better....It has to really :)

That's all for now I guess.....I miss my family.

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