Monday, March 19, 2007

Passport Frustrations!!

So I've been contemplating this passport thing for the past couple months now...I figured I should get one sometime in my new married name and since I had FINALLY gotten around to changing my drivers license, etc, I figured this is a good time! Anyway, I got my passport photos done...paid the $ my accountant friend to endorse them for me to guarentee it's me in the photos...and contemplated whether I was going to stand in line with my passport or just send it in. The reason I wanted to initially stand in line and wait for it....even though I would have to get down there at like 3:00 because I didn't want to send in my original birth cirtificate and marriage license. But anyway, long story short, I decided to just send it in, so I was getting it all prepared yesterday and thought just for the hell of it I would measure my photos and make sure all was good. TURNS OUT....they didn't meet the requirements!!! ARGH!! So thankfully London Drugs has a guarentee on their photos so I went down there today after work and got new ones printed up....and I checked in at another store to make sure they thought they were decent and would pass inspection...and they gave me their okay :) So lets hope for the best!!! All I have to do now is get my accountant to sign the new ones and figure out the best way to send my package out :) And hopefully it gets opened in the next month or two! heheh!

Alright, enough on that...boring story, I know...but as you can see, we lead SUCH exciting lives ;) But at the moment we're watching ***24***!!! So I must be signing off now :)

Have a wonderful evening all!

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