The beautiful forest...I sometimes forget how green and lush it is around here!
This is the moss hanging on most of trees in the area.
A close up of the moss...
Jordan getting a shot!
Oreo giving Alina "5" - he's so talented :)
He however did NOT want his picture taken! He would do this and look away almost every time I pointed the camera at him! :)
This is the view from the trail on the way to the waterfall - we went through that tunnel later!
The little leash part around his nose isn't a muzzle - it just helps him not to pull on the leash :) He's a sweetie!
Alina, Me, Jordan, and Oreo! Oreo was having none of these picture taking shenanigans! haha!
Heading out towards the tunnel
An Inukshuk! It's the native symbol that's the symbol of the 2010 olympics this year in Vancouver...we jsut found him hanging out by the stream :)
Some neat little plants growing through the moss...I love the colours happening in the background!
Sweet Oreo :)
Jordan looks great....Ali, on the other hand, is terrifying :)
Moss hanging from a tree....gorgeous :)
Jordan being the Pro Photog that he is! :)
Goldstream Park

Ferns growing out of the tree :)
She is a nut bar! ;)