Nothing too exciting going on today really - all that matters is that tomorrow the week will be half over - yay!! Nah, it hasn't been a bad week so far.....Luke has to drive 2 weeks of summer school and then school pretty much starts full-time for him after that. So he's really busy...he's having a hard time getting back into the work groove though :) We need to wean him off of staying up too late and sleeping in! I hope he had a good break though - it sure is lovely having him at home with me. We get to spend tons of time together and reconnect. I really miss him when he's working all day. I didn't babysit on Monday like I usually do, but instead I have to do it on Thursday, plus I'm working with Suzanne on Wednesday this my busy week will start tomorrow.
I'm planning on trying to get some housecleaning jobs in the very near future as well. I need to try and bring more money much as I love not working ;) but I do feel bad when I'm not contributing to the family and the money, etc. We need to keep up on bills, both here and in Canada, plus have some sort of a savings if at all possible, plus we really need to try and move out of Luke's parents house as soon as we can. Not that it's horribly bad - it's just getting to be a bit crowded and small and crazy....I think we would both benefit from living on our own HUGELY! :) But anyway, I've been housecleaning with my mom ever since I was 10 or so, so I have tons of experience in the proper way to clean, being thorough, etc. So I'm hoping I can put up some flyers and hit up some people for ideas, see if anyone knows anyone looking for a cleaner....hopefully I can get half a dozen jobs. I think that would help out immensely! So wish me luck!
I got my hair cut last week and I absolutely love it! It was getting too long for me and I was really looking for a bit of a change. I had been to a salon out in Lakewood the past few times, and the guy who did it was good and everything, but it was a bit of a drive out there (about 30+ mins) and it was just a little more expensive than I was wanting to spend. So I looked around online and found a salon much closer that had unbelievably good reviews. So I gave it a try and met with a stylist named Deanna who is awesome! She gave me a great cut, which I love. The only problem is, which I didn't realize until a couple days later, the back was really pretty blunt looking and choppy. It kind of looked like I tried to do it myself.....with dull scissors! ;) So anyway, I made an appt to go back and have her fix it for me. I was really interested in seeing her reaction to me going back in - some stylists could have gotten really bent out of shape, but she was really great about it, and apologetic that I had to come back in, etc. So anyway, she seemed to do a good job fixing it for me. It's still a little more piecey than I'm used to, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Next time I'll be sure to tell her that I'm looking for more of a smooth stacking on the back. Anyway....enough on that. I'm still happy with it ;)

I guess I should get going here and get something done. I really need to work on my friend Sacha's wedding photos. I've been so busy for the last couple weeks, and I've been trying to get my sister's photos edited as well....but I need to get on Sacha's asap! So I'm planning on editing for the rest of the afternoon and evening and hopefully get them off to her by the end of the week....maybe! :) I'll have to ask her if she wants me to get prints made and send those to her, or if she wants just the CD and can print off whatever she wants. I also got this really great photo album for my sister's grad photos. It's a black photo album with '08 printed on it - it's super cute! I got it for 75% off at Hallmark - best $2.99 ever! :) So I want to print off some of her grad photos and prom photos and send that off to her as well. So I have a few things to do....I better get on it!